Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Good Morrow!

Welcome to the Official RenFest 2k11 Blog (tm).

Please see below for details regarding our trip to the Maryland Renaissance Festival this Saturday, October 22nd.


Kegbus #2 has been reserved for our event. Pics are below:

The reservation is from 1 - 7pm, so please arrive at the address below by 12:30pm.

5808 Dawes Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22311

We're in a residential neighborhood, so please be mindful of the peasants when parking!

Still up for negotiation is our drop-off location. The idea has been floated to drop off at the Beirgarten Haus on H street.


With cost of the bus split 22 ways, the price per person is going to be roughly $55 per person. Please bring some extra, however, so we can throw the driver a tip at the end. Most importantly, please bring CA$$$$$$H. We'll be paying the driver (in ca$h) at the end of the evening, and whoever needs to stop at an ATM is getting locked in the restroom.

This fee covers the cost of KegBus, but keep in mind that entrance to the Maryland Renaissance Festival is FREE. I'll be handing out tickets to admission on the bus (roughly $20 in value).


Oh right, and come prepared for fun! Kegbus comes equipped with a lighting and sound system, of course equipped with an iPod jack. We'll be putting together some great play lists beforehand, but if your taste in music falls outside the medieval-baroque period, you might want to contribute a few play lists of your own (joking).

And of course, since we're riding a converted school bus, there's a DANCING POLE. Wait...I went to private elementary school, didn't every bus have one these? Kegbus has also informed us that there's room enough on the bus to dance. The event is BYOB, so grab drinks beforehand and come expecting some great ice breakers. Oh yeah, did I mention that there's a RESTROOM ON BOARD?